
Showing posts with the label College application

Challenges as an Undocumented Student

In high school, I once thought I'd just follow my dad's path and become a janitor. But a chat with Mme. Stahl shifted my perspective. She casually asked about my college plans, surprising me. Her disbelief at my lack of college aspirations shocked me even more. A recommendation letter she penned on my behalf changed everything. At 18, it snagged me my first scholarship and forced me to reconsider my life goals. Back then, I didn't know that as an undocumented student in the USA, I could receive support. I felt ashamed of my reality. Mme. Stahl, my French teacher, consistently inquired about my college plans. Encouraged by her, I applied for a scholarship she introduced to the class the next day, unaware of my legal status. Though I earned a full scholarship for any NC college, my undocumented status led me to a community college. In her letter, Mme. Stahl highlighted my passion for French, my willingness to assist classmates, and my weekend and vacation work for my family,