
Showing posts with the label Spain

The Last Read You'll Ever Need to Understand "Y" and "LL"!

[This article has clickable sound files in blue.] Historically in Spanish, there is a difference between the sound for "y" as opposed to "ll" , which still exists in several pockets in the Andes highlands (most of Peru and Bolivia, parts of Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Argentina) ,  Guaraní speaking areas like Paraguay , some parts of  northern and rural Spain , and the Philippines , usually among older Spanish speakers . In these places, "ll" is realized as /ʎ/ - calle, llamarse, valle . This is the minority sound in Spanish that is still current in standard Catalan (filla) , Portuguese (filha) , and Italian (figlia) . The consonant "y" in Spanish is pronounced in a variety of ways, with [ʝ̞] , which is similar to English [y] , being the most widespread sound outside the Southern Cone . For [ʝ̞] , the tip of the tongue doesn't rest almost relaxed behind the bottom teeth like in English  [y] . Instead, when the back of the tongue gets close

Say It Like a Native: 10 Ways to Say 'Maybe' in Spanish

« Tal vez », « Quizá(s) », « Puede ser »/« Puede que », « A lo mejor », « De pronto », « Igual (y) », « Chance y », « Capaz   (que)» ,  De repente » All of these essentially mean the same thing - maybe , but here are some observations for each: « Tal vez » is your standard way to say maybe, and it's used in all parts of the Spanish speaking world. The one-word version, «talvez», is not incorrect, but not as common as the two-word version. Most natives think the only correct form is «tal vez». Tal vez no sepan que me encantan los espárrago s . « Quizá(s) » is also used in all countries and just bit more formal than «tal vez». People tend to use «quizá» before a word starting with a consonant ( quizá para ella significa/signifique mucho ) , and «quizás» with words starting with a vowel ( quizás a mí no interesa/interese much o ), but this is certainly not a rule. Literature, especially older literature, tends to favor «quizá(s)», so it does have that "perhaps" f