
Showing posts with the label leche

Tackling the T-to-Tch and D-to-Dj Sound Change in Brazilian Portuguese

This question is worthy of a whole book, so Iet me begin by saying that the sound change from t to tch (as in English CH eese) in syllables ti/te and  d to dj (as in English J eep) in syllables di/de, in  most of Brazil,  is a phenomenon called palatalization, where a sound can be modified in a vowel-consonant "clash" (usually k or t plus semivowel y ) as the sound is " drawn " in the mouth closer to the palate or roof of the mouth. There are several types of palatalization and stages where a sound can end up. The south and northeast of Brazil are notable exceptions , where palatalization doesn't happen and t and d stay as t and d no matter where in the word, just like in Portugal . If you think this sound change is weird , it's actually more common than you think, as it affects or has affected many languages , and is sometimes reflected in spelling , or isn't! In English , it happens with some speakers when they say " gotcha " (got +