
Showing posts with the label life

Discover the Heart of Brazilian and Mexican Homes!

Ever wondered what makes a house feel like home? Mexicans and Brazilians responded to online posts asking "What's one thing that can't definitely be missing from a Brazilian (or Mexican) house?" and the responses were not just informative, but also fun! Picture this: from the seldom used "horno" (oven in Spanish) doubling as storage for pots and a new pack of saltines to the omnipresent "rodinho" (little squeegee in Portuguese) in every Brazilian kitchen, these insights unveil the essence of daily life in these vibrant cultures. Whether it's the ever-present "salsa Valentina," the sacred tortillas and "farofa" (Brazilian toasted cassava flour), or the dreaded Brazilian "chuveiro elétrico" (electric shower that often scares Americans), each item highlights cherished traditions, quirky essentials, and the unmistakable vibrancy that gives life to households. Dive into the heart of Mexican and Brazilian homes with this