Discover the Heart of Brazilian and Mexican Homes!

Ever wondered what makes a house feel like home? Mexicans and Brazilians responded to online posts asking "What's one thing that can't definitely be missing from a Brazilian (or Mexican) house?" and the responses were not just informative, but also fun! Picture this: from the seldom used "horno" (oven in Spanish) doubling as storage for pots and a new pack of saltines to the omnipresent "rodinho" (little squeegee in Portuguese) in every Brazilian kitchen, these insights unveil the essence of daily life in these vibrant cultures.

Whether it's the ever-present "salsa Valentina," the sacred tortillas and "farofa" (Brazilian toasted cassava flour), or the dreaded Brazilian "chuveiro elétrico" (electric shower that often scares Americans), each item highlights cherished traditions, quirky essentials, and the unmistakable vibrancy that gives life to households. Dive into the heart of Mexican and Brazilian homes with this graphic, where unexpected creativity meets tradition, and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Because a home is not just walls; it's a blend of laughter, love, and a sprinkle of cultural charm!

Portuguese-English Glossary
  1. Filtro de barro - A clay water filter
  2. Lixeira ao lado do vaso sanitário - A trashcan next to the toilet for used paper
  3. Jogo de prato/xícaras Duralex - A Duralex plate/cup set
  4. Arroz e feijão - Rice and beans
  5. Botijão de gas - A propane cylinder 
  6. Uma roupinha para o botijão de gás - A little "outfit" for the propane cylinder
  7. Pote de sorvete com feijão dentro - An ice cream container with beans inside
  8. O Ricardão - "Someone's secret lover"
  9. Café e farinha temperada - Coffee, and seasoned farofa (toasted cassava flour)
  10. Pão com manteiga ou margarina - Bread with butter or margarine
  11. Pão velho em cima da geladeira - Stale bread on top of the fridge
  12. Panela/frigideira com óleo no forno - A pan/skillet with oil inside the oven
  13. Boa música - Good music
  14. Conjunto de rodinho e lixinho para a pia - A set of squeegee and miniature trash container for the sink
  15. Sacolas plásticas 100% “multiuso” - "Multi-purpose" plastic bags
  16. Chinelo voando para atingir alguma pessoa - A flying sandal trying to hit someone
  17. Copo de requeijão reciclado e decorado - A recycled and decorated cream cheese container/cup
  18. Testemunha de Jeová (pode ser um panfleto ou visita) - A Jehovah's Witness (could be a pamphlet or an actual visit)
  19. Cachorro vira-lata ou caramelo - A stray or mutt dog
  20. Dívida - Debt
  21. Cachaça - A traditional Brazilian distilled drink
  22. Grupo da família no WhatsApp - A family group on WhatsApp
  23. Cerveja gelada - Cold beer
  24. Chuveiro elétrico - An electric shower
  25. Controle remoto no plástico filme - A remote control covered in plastic wrap
  26. Panela de pressão - A pressure cooker
  27. Churrasco - Barbecue
  28. Jeitinho brasileiro e gambiarras - Brazilian resourcefulness and makeshift solutions
  29. Garrafa pet com água na geladeira - A PET bottle to cool water in the fridge
  30. Amor - Love
  31. Novela mexicana - A Mexican soap opera
  32. Bola de futebol - A soccer ball
  33. Ventilador - A fan
  34. Pano de prato com pintura de “bom dia” - A dishcloth with a "good morning" image
  35. Chinelo remendado com prego - A sandal that's been mended with a nail
  36. Copinho americano - Typical small glasses from Brazil that are used for everything
  37. Maionese verde - Green, garlic flavored mayonaise

Spanish-English Glossary
  1. Un botellón de agua - large water jug
  2. Un bote de basura en el baño - A bathroom trashcan for used toilet paper
  3. Una vajilla bonita para invitados - A fancy set of dishes for guests
  4. Tortillas y frijoles - Tortillas and beans
  5. Un tanque de gas - A propane cylinder
  6. Calcetines/chingaderas en el tanque - Socks and random items on the gas tank
  7. Un tupper de Lala lleno de frijoles - A Lala container filled with beans
  8. El Sancho - "Someone's secret lover"
  9. Limones y chiles - Limes and chili peppers
  10. Salsa Valentina o botanera - Valentina hot sauce or snack sauce
  11. Una caja de cereal arriba del refri - A cereal box on top of the fridge
  12. Ollas dentro de la estufa - Pots inside the stove
  13. Música jocosa para limpiar la casa - Danceable and fun music to listen to while doing deep cleaning at home (usually on the weekends)
  14. Un botecito con agua y jabón para lavar trastes - A small container with water and soap for dishwashing
  15. Bolsas de plástico 100% “multiuso” - "Multi-purpose" plastic bags
  16. Una chancla voladora de una mamá enojada - A flying sandal from an angry mom
  17. Vaso reciclado de veladora o mole Doña María - A recycled candle or mole jar used as a glass
  18. Una imagen en la puerta que dice "Este hogar es católico..." - A sign on the door that says "This home is Catholic ..."
  19. Un perro en la azotea - A dog whose owners don't take care of in the best way possible
  20. Una deuda de Coppel - A debt from Coppel (retail store)
  21. Tequila - Tequila
  22. Un grupo familiar en WhatsApp - A family group on WhatsApp
  23. Envases de cerveza bajo el lavadero - Beer bottles under a sink
  24. Una resistencia para calentar el agua - A makeshift "water heater"
  25. Un control remoto con funda plástica - A remote control with a plastic cover
  26. Un comal para calentar tortillas - A griddle for heating tortillas
  27. Chorizo - Mexican sausage
  28. Alguien albureando - Someone saying albures to someone else without them noticing
  29. Recipiente de galletas con hilos/agujas - Cookie container with thread and needles
  30. Un Cristo colgado en la pared - A hanging Christ on the wall
  31. Un mantel con plástico protector - A tablecloth with a plastic cover
  32. Un calendario de la carnicería - A calendar from the local butcher's
  33. Algo pegado en el refrigerador - Something stuck on the refrigerator (like a magnet)
  34. Un molcajete - A traditional Mexican mortar
  35. Un hijo borracho - Someone's drunk son
  36. Una jerga para limpiar el piso - a rag used as a mop
  37. Un recuerdo de quinceañera o centro de mesa - A quinceañera souvenir or wedding centerpiece
