
Showing posts with the label conversations

Leverage ChatGPT to Practice Portuguese and Spanish

[Bajar para leer en español reseña sobre el uso del ChatGPT.] ---------------------------- Learning Spanish? See here some of the most common mistakes made by English speakers. Learning Portuguese? See here some of the most common mistakes made by English speakers. Você aprende espanhol? Veja aqui alguns dos erros mais frequentes cometidos por lusofalantes. ¿Aprendes portugués? Ve aquí  los errores más frecuentes cometidos por hispanohablantes. ---------------------------- I recently joined a webinar by participants of the Language Flagship Program, a US initiative sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) and implemented in partnership with my organization. It offers intensive language education in critical languages, including Portuguese and Chinese, with college programs and regional initiatives. Students engage in immersive study and cultural experiences to achieve professional proficiency, enhancing Americans' language skills and global competencies. The