
Showing posts from November, 2009

Happy Humpday!

Ok. My last blog was in Spanish. Today...English! My title says it all. It's Wednesday! I got home today after my longest day of the week and my roommate said something that cheered me up. He said, "¡Qué bueno que ya es miércoles! Ya vamos de bajada." Which roughly translated means, "Am I glad it's Wednesday! We're now downsliding" . . . at least for the week! I won't bore you telling you all the things I did since everything went as normal. It's always fun to tell when things go wrong or extraordinarily great. Today, none of those two was the case. What I am telling you, though, is that tomorrow some of my classmates and I are grabbing some pizza and beer to celebrate the fact that it's gonna be Thursday (last class for most of us), it's almost the end of the semester, and Yeji's birthday (a classmate of mine) was on the 31 of October. Besides, even if there had been nothing to celebrate, I'm pretty sure we would have made someth