Accepted into GSU!

As many of you might know already, I applied for a scholarship offered by UPN (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional) and GSU (Georgia State University). Well, guess what? I got accepted!

So, basically, what I had to do are many things in order to get ready to go abroad and live in Atlanta for 15 whole months! Do you have any idea how much that is! Anyway. Time flies when you're having fun, and so far everything's been ok.

On the 8th of August, I shipped out from Tampico and took a bus to Monterrey. I arrived there the same day at noon. Monterrey is AWESOME. That's the only thing I'm gonna say because I wouldn't be able to stop talking about it if I really got started.

I stayed in Monterrey for a whole day, and then I'm supposed to take my plane here: MTY-ATL.

Posted originally on August 15, 2009
