Friday, Payday!

Today I got paid! I was so happy to see my account today. I bought my MARTA card this afternoon, which is a discounted card for using the subway and buses as much as I want in a month sold to students at GSU. I also called Mexico and had to deal with TELMEX, which is the only phone company in Mexico, clearly a monopoly. I so hope the government lets in foreign phone companies. I have heard about the terrible service and have gone through a few experiences myself. These people, or at least the one I've seen, think they're doing a favor to Mexicans, which they're not!

Anyway, today I had to call them and ask how much I owe them. Before coming here, I wanted to cancel the service because I'll be absent from Mexico for almost a year and a half. They told me I couldn't because I first needed to cancel my internet service, return the modem etc., and I did. A week had to pass after that cancelation before I could cancel the actual phone service, but by then I was already here. It just sucks how they do things. So, I am telling my cousin to cancel the service for me, but I needed to get in touch with them to know how much I owe them. I was surprised to find fast customer service online through their tech support chat. Next step will be to call my cousin tomorrow and send her the money to cancel the service for me.

I also need to go to the bank and do other things I need to take care of but didn't cause I got up too late. :s But I did have time to go watch a movie with some classmates, and then we went to get dinner. I had this pot roast subway which absolutely tasted like "barbacoa," the Mexican type. We walked to the place and on our way to the movie theater we went by a bunch of gay bars. As you might know we actually live in the Atlantan "Zona Rosa." 

We walked back to our place and had a lot of fun. Tomorrow there are many things going on. One, a professor invited us to his house for a Halloween party. Two, the same professor (he's really cool) got free tickets for the Rialto, which is having a Mexican Día de Muertos celebration, and three, my co-workers from MCL invited me to Loca Luna, which is a nightclub. Tomorrow they're celebrating Halloween, and it's latin night so they're playing bachata, merengue, salsa, cumbia, among others. The Pride Festival is also taking place tomorrow, really close to here. I've never been to one and Tere, a friend and classmate from Mexico City, wants us to go and check it out. The problem is, where should I go? The first three events happen almost at the same time, and I still haven't made up my mind. So many choices, so little time. 

Published originally on October 30, 2009
