
¿La voy a ver o voy a verla? Your "How-When-and-Why Guide"

[Bajar para español] In Spanish, clitic climbing , or " desplazamiento de clíticos ," involves the movement of clitics, particularly with auxiliary and auxiliary-like verbs. For instance, "quiero verte" (I want to see you) can shift to "TE quiero ver," where "te" is a direct object pronoun. Similarly, "debo dormirme" (I must go to sleep) becomes "ME debo dormir," with "me" as a reflexive pronoun. This also applies to indirect objects, as in "queremos ofrecerle una disculpa" (we want to offer him/her an apology), which can become "LE queremos ofrecer una disculpa." Clitics like "lo(s)," "la(s)," "le(s)," "se,"  "se(lo) , "os," and "nos" can be attached to a verb (enclitic position, e.g., "quiero verlo") or placed before a conjugated verb (proclitic position, e.g., "lo quiero ver"). While both are correct, the procl

The WEIRD Subjunctive Mood in Spanish

The subjunctive mood in Spanish is a nuanced aspect of the language that expresses doubt, subjectivity, uncertainty, and hypothetical situations. It adds depth to communication by indicating feelings, emotions, desires, or possibilities . Understanding its formation, usage, and triggers is essential for achieving fluency and effective communication. Here's a concise explanation, with a trick, to help you navigate the world of subjunctive verbs in the present tense. Formation and Elements of a Subjunctive Sentence To form the subjunctive, begin with the first person present tense conjugation of a verb, like "hablo." Identify the stem by taking off the ending -o ("habl-") and apply the opposite endings: "-ar" verbs take "-e," "-es," "-e," "-emos," "-éis," and "-en," while "-er" and "-ir" verbs take "-a," "-as," "-a," "-amos," "-ái

Conjunctions 'Y' and 'O' in Disguise: Beyond the Basics

[Bajar para español.] The Spanish language, like many others, is a treasure trove of rules and exceptions that sometimes leave even its most seasoned speakers bewildered. One such linguistic quirk involves the conjunctions 'y' and 'o,' which take on different forms depending on specific phonetic environments. In this exploration, we'll delve into the intricacies of these transformations and shed light on a lesser-known exception. The Transformations of Conjunction 'Y'  The rule that 'y' ("and") changes to 'e' before a word beginning with the sound /i/ , whatever its spelling , is a familiar one - tela e hi lo (fabric and thread, remember h is silent in Spanish), Yvonne e Y vette , llavero e i mán (keyholder and magnet), Juan e E than - pronounced   /ˈiːθən/, etc. However, one exception beckons the attention of Spanish learners and native speakers alike. "Y" as an Adverb  The exception is the intriguing use of conjunction

Leverage ChatGPT to Practice Portuguese and Spanish

[Bajar para leer en español reseña sobre el uso del ChatGPT.] ---------------------------- Learning Spanish? See here some of the most common mistakes made by English speakers. Learning Portuguese? See here some of the most common mistakes made by English speakers. Você aprende espanhol? Veja aqui alguns dos erros mais frequentes cometidos por lusofalantes. ¿Aprendes portugués? Ve aquí  los errores más frecuentes cometidos por hispanohablantes. ---------------------------- I recently joined a webinar by participants of the Language Flagship Program, a US initiative sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) and implemented in partnership with my organization. It offers intensive language education in critical languages, including Portuguese and Chinese, with college programs and regional initiatives. Students engage in immersive study and cultural experiences to achieve professional proficiency, enhancing Americans' language skills and global competencies. The

Decoding Ser and Estar: Not your "Permanent vs. Temporary" Guide

[Also see other topics that can be challenging for English-speaking learners, here ] In Spanish, two crucial verbs, ser and estar , both translate to "to be" in English but serve different purposes. Understanding the distinction between them is essential for accurate communication, as each verb conveys different aspects of existence or state. Let's break it down:  ESTAR  is used for  incidental or temporary conditions - think of it as taking a snapshot of a situation. It derives from Latin stare , (to stand) and is related to words like  status , stance , and state . If you know French, stay in English likely comes from Old French ester (> estre > estre > être ). Estar describes the condition or state someone or something happens to be in.   SER , on the other hand, is used for  class membership or essential  qualities - not always permanent. It expresses  fundamental cha racteristics  and the  true identity   of a person or thing. For example, "soy estudi

Kit para se passar por brasileiro

[Contenido en portugués - Content in Portuguese] ¿Ya conocías estas palabras o expresiones brasileñas? ¿Cuáles serían los equivalentes en español? Você é brasileiro e está aprendendo espanhol? Veja o gráfico com erros que falantes de português cometem aprendendo espanhol.  

Quebrando mitos do "certo" ou "errado"

[Contenido en portugués - Content in Portuguese] [Bajar para español] Muitos de nós já nos perguntamos se uma frase está "certa" ou "errada" do ponto de vista da gramática. No entanto, a resposta não é tão simples quanto parece. Como usamos a linguagem depende muito do contexto, e é importante entender as diferenças entre a gramática normativa e a descritiva para navegar pelos diversos registros linguísticos de maneira eficaz. Gramática normativa vs. Gramática descritiva Normativa: Determina regras fixas, onde uma expressão está certa ou errada, sem considerar o contexto. Descritiva: Leva em conta o contexto para avaliar se a linguagem é adequada ou inadequada para determinada situação. Importância do contexto No ambiente formal, como em reuniões de trabalho, expressões informais são geralmente evitadas para manter um tom profissional. Em situações informais, como encontros com amigos, o uso de linguagem coloquial é adequado e esperado. Adaptação aos diversos regi

¡No cometas estos 3 errores si quieres sonar como brasileño!

Para ver una lista de 12 errores comunes en portugués, clic aquí .  Si estás en una computadora de escritorio, haz clic derecho para abrir la imagen en otra pestaña y visualizarla en la mayor resolución posible.   

Redundancias y pleonasmos: El arte de enfatizar o identificar lo innecesario

Hablemos de redundancias y pleonasmos . En cualquier lengua existen, y aunque algunos especialistas diferencian el pleonasmo como una figura retórica y la redundancia como un vicio del lenguaje , generalmente se consideran sinónimos. Sin embargo, no todas las redundancias o pleonasmos deben ser censurados automáticamente; su uso depende del contexto. Son aceptables en expresiones hechas , frases para énfasis o cuando añaden precisión . Por ejemplo: Bofetada en la mejilla izquierda (precisión) ¡Cállate la boca! (expresivo) Cerrar herméticamente (énfasis) Concentrarse profundamente (énfasis) Corrimos a toda velocidad (énfasis) Lo escribí de mi puño y letra. (expresivo) ¡Escuchen con mucha atención! (énfasis) Éxito arrollador (énfasis) Gritó a todo pulmón.  (expresivo) Insistir reiteradamente/insistir e insistir. (énfasis) Lapso de 5 horas (precisión) Lleno total/hasta el tope  (énfasis) Mas sin embargo (énfasis) Nunca antes visto (énfasis) Su hermano le  pegó a puño cerrado.  (énfas

The Relationship Between Town Hall, Subjuntive and Sex

In Latin, the verb iungere (join or put together) has the past participle iunctus/iuncta/iunctum . From these words, we get words like cónyuge (spouse, "conjugal"), yunta (two bulls that pull the weight in a farm and are joined by a yunta (yoke), juntar (put together), subjuntivo (it joins two clauses), ayuntamiento , etc. Ayuntamiento means city/town hall because people come together for these. Funnily, at some point, ayuntamiento also meant intercourse since you can come together with someone else for different purposes 😉, but it's an old-fashioned word, as far as I know. The suffix - miento in ayuntamiento is also to be found in conocimiento (knowledge), requerimiento (requirement), sufrimiento , etc, and it signals the way something is done or its result. Latin mens/mentis (the mind) ended up being used in Romance languages as a marker of adverbs ( interesantemente, tristemente, correctamente ) because things were done in an "interesting/sad/correct" stat

Who Would Have Thought Spanish Jugar and English Joke were Long Lost Relatives?

As language learners, we often come across fascinating quirks and intricacies of the languages we study. One such example is the Spanish verb " jugar ," which holds a special place in the Spanish language.  Did you know that "jugar" (yo juego , nosotros jugamos ) - to play - is the only Spanish verb that changes from "u" to "ue" in its present tense conjugation when the "u" is stressed? It follows the same conjugation pattern as verbs like " probar ," ( o-ue changes : pruebo , pruebas , prueba , probamos , probaís , prueban ), " volar ," ( vuelo , vuelas , vuela , volamos , voláis , vuelan ), and " contar " ( cuento , cuentas , cuenta , contamos , contáis , cuentan ). This unique characteristic makes "jugar" stand out from other verbs in the Spanish language. Its history is just as interesting as its conjugation pattern. During the formation period of Spanish, the verb used to be pronounced with a

May 5, World Portuguese Language Day (Armadilhas do português)

[Contenido en portugués - Content in Portuguese] [For English, see below.] Hoje é o Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa A data de 5 de maio foi oficialmente estabelecida em 2009 pela Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) - uma organização intergovernamental que está em parceria oficial com a UNESCO desde 2000, e que reúne povos com a língua portuguesa como uma das bases de sua identidade específica - para celebrar a língua portuguesa e as culturas lusófonas . Em 2019, a 40ª sessão da Conferência Geral da UNESCO decidiu proclamar o dia 5 de maio de cada ano como "Dia Internacional da Língua Portuguesa". A língua portuguesa não é apenas uma das línguas mais difundidas no mundo , com mais de 265 milhões de falantes espalhados por todos os continentes, mas também é a língua mais falada no hemisfério sul . O português continua sendo, hoje, uma língua importante de comunicação internacional e uma língua com forte projeção geográfica, destinada a aumentar. (Acesse o tex